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Medford Leas Residents Association



The Citizens Committee seeks to keep the Medford Leas residents informed and interested in citizenship issues, especially in terms of elections and other current issues which could affect our well-being. The Committee is nonpartisan and tries to present programs and discussions which present the issues. As such we try to educate people, get them registered to vote and introduce them to candidates and their positions so that all can make informed decisions.

Congressman Andy Kim at Medford Leas Town Hall
Congressman Andy Kim at Medford Leas Town Hall


The committee seeks to increase understanding and encourages appreciation of people regardless of their faith or religious beliefs, their physical disabilities, their age, their ethnic or cultural differences, their sexual orientation, or any stigma that society has put on them. Twice each month Medford Leas residents from both campuses get together to prepare peanut butter sandwiches that are distributed later in the day as part of the “take home bags” offered to guests at the Cathedral Kitchen, the largest emergency food service in Camden, that provides more than 100,000 meals each year to guests in the area. Anyone interested in participating can visit the Garden Room on the first or third Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm.

In the private, password-protected directory, the MLRA Activities List and LCRA Committees List provide contact information for these activities.