Medford Leas Residents Assn.
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Anemone quinquefolia
Wood Anemone

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Wood Anemone - Anemone quinquefolia
photo from Wikipedia

Interesting info:

"Quinquefolia" means five leaves. Ranunculaceae is the buttercup family.

More info on Wikipedia


Wood Anemone - Anemone quinquefoliia
Lorraine Anderson, Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area

Lore: From the Greek anemos, which means "wind". The flowers were thought to have sprung from Venus's tears over the dead Adonis, "where a tear has dropped, a wind-flower blows". It is also associated with sadness as in England where it was thought that it sprung from the blood of Danes slain in battle. The Chinese view the anemone as a "Death Flower" and use it in funeral rites. The plant is said to be extremely acrid, with even small doses producing a great disturbance in the stomach. It was once used as a cure for fevers, gout and rheumatism by rubbing the plants juices on the skin to cause an irritation that would help to relieve the symptoms."

You ought to know:

Area: Dry, shade

Height: 4-8 inches

Frequency at Medford Leas: It carpets the ground in some areas.

Blooms: April