Medford Leas Residents Assn.
Wildflowers Home Page

Geranium maculatum
Wild Geranium

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Interesting Info:

Also known as Cranesbill because of the slender,
long beak in the center of the blossom.

more at Missouri Plants and at the Laurentian Environmental Center


Wild Geranium - Geranium maculatum
Dan Tenaglia,

Lore: The western Indians found it to be a remedy for venereal disease. An aqueous infusion of the root was used for gonorrhea.
Wild Geranium has been included in the
United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary. Used for diarrhea and as an astringent in ulcers, sore throats and colic.

You ought to Know

Color: purple

Height: 1-2 ft.

Area: Low dry woods

Blooms: Early spring

Frequency: Low