Medford Leas Residents Assn.
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Maianthemum racemosum
False Solomon's Seal

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Interesting info

also called Solomon's Plume

Besides the flowers, the deep veined leaves distinguish Mainthemum racemosum from Polygonatum biflorum, Solomon's Seal.

David G. Smith -

wikipedia says

This plant should be consumed in moderation, as it can act as a strong laxative in sensitive individuals. A poultice made from the roots of this plant was used as an effective treatment for sunburns by American Indians. The roots of this plant were often dried and then smoked by several Eastern Native American tribes as a treatment for hyperactivity in children and emotional depression. The plant was also used by Native Americans as a cough suppressant.

When young, Maianthemum racemosum may closely resemble members of the genus Veratrum, a highly toxic member of the Lily family to which it is distantly related. Consequently, this plant should not be consumed unless identification is positive


You ought to know:

Area: general

Height: 1-2 feet

Frequency at ML: moderate

Blooms: Late Spring