Medford Leas Residents Assn.
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Stellaria media

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Chickweed - Stellaria media
Dan Teglia

Interesting info and more photos: Missouri Plants and Laurentian Center.

Dan Teglia writes, "Petals, 5, deeply notched and appearing as 10 ...Native to Eurasia has spread rapidly throughout the U.S... If the stem is carefully bent side-to-side and then pulled apart, the elastic vascular tissue can be seen."

Dan Teglia


Chickweed - Stellaria media
Dan Teglia

Plant Lore: Chickweed is said to be able to aid the forecasting of the weather. If the flowers are blooming robustly, it is said that there will not be a rain in the next four hours, otherwise bring along that trusty umbrella.


You ought to know:

Area: Wet or dry, sun or shade, especially in lawns or disturbed spaces.

Height:6-12 inches

Frequency at Medford Leas.: Throughout

Blooms: All year