Medford Leas Residents Assn.
Wildflowers Home Page

Viola pubescens
Smooth Yellow Violet

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Ontario Wildflowers

Interesting info: The Southern Appalachian Wildflowers Site has a lovely Violets Page which includes a photo of the Viola pubescence, the downy violet. The site also has a page for identification of violets.

Another good violets link - with a list of the USDA violets pages.

Ontario Wildflowers

Lore: Followers of Napoleon used the violet as a symbol of their leader, because, while he was in exile he vowed to return in the Spring with the violets.

The Greek word for violet, ion, is traced to a story of Zeus and a water nymph named Io who were secret lovers. In order to hide his affair and protect Io from his wife Hera, Zeus turned Io into a white Heifer. Io was quite distraught with her new identity and particularly with the fact that she had to eat rough grass all day long. After crying for quite some time Zeus felt bad for her and created violets from her teardrops. Reference:


You ought to know:

Area: Low, dry

Height: 4-12 inches

Frequency: Low

Blooms: Late spring