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Medford Leas Residents Association

The Catalpa Tree in Katzell Grove

Unidentified by name tag and hitherto undescribed within these pages, is this Northern Catalpa tree (Catalpa speciosa). It is now in glorious full bloom. You can scarcely miss it if you take the paved path through Katzell Grove … you may even have to duck down to pass it!

The blossoms rival in abundance and showiness those of the Horse Chestnut tree.

I couldn’t find another Catalpa tree on campus. Not to worry, this species is monoecious and self pollinates, perhaps with the help of bumblebees which are in constant attendance. If you follow this tree through summer, you’ll see abundant long, skinny seed pods, which resemble cheroots … locally the Catalpa is called the cigar tree.

When in Fall these seed pods and the floppy leaves come down, it will leave a bit of a mess. But it’s worth it!

Text and Photographs by Fred Kahan