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Medford Leas Residents Association

Lumberton Meadow Walk, July 25, 2021

Text by Holly Hoffman, photos by Robert Koch and Laurie Larson

On a hot but breezy evening, ten residents showed up for our July meadow walk. As we started out, a red fox sauntered ahead of us searching for dinner. Later two rabbits appeared having escaped detection.

We were treated to 22 species of wildflowers in bloom from the midpoint to the end toward Creek Road. Highlights included lovely fuschia phlox, pink nodding onions, white rattlesnake master, pale violet monkey flower and swamp rose mallow. Each month the meadow is dominated by a different color white penstemon in the spring, lavender beebalm in summer and yellow goldenrod in the fall.

On a hot but breezy evening, ten residents showed up for our July meadow walk. As we started out, a red fox sauntered ahead of us searching for dinner. Later two rabbits appeared, having escaped detection.

We were treated to 22 species of wildflowers in bloom from the midpoint to the end toward Creek Road. Highlights included lovely fuschia phlox, pink nodding onions, white rattlesnake master, pale violet monkey flower and swamp rose mallow. Each month the meadow is dominated by a different color white penstemon in the spring, lavender beebalm in summer and yellow goldenrod in the fall.

Bunny in meadow
Rabbit (RK)
Rose Mallow
Rose Mallow (RK)
Summer Phlox
Summer Phlox (RK)
Rattlesnake Master
Rattlesnake Master (LL)