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Medford Leas Residents Association

Joyce Sichel Wins Collage Contest Award

Facial Decorations by Joyce Linda SichelJoyce Linda Sichel, who authors the The Leas Art Gallery Scene column for Medford Leas Life and The Lumberton Campus Chronicle, has made news herself. She was recently recognized by the National Collage Society for her entry in the 25th annual Postcard Exhibition, hosted by Summit Art Space in Akron, OH. (A collage is made by pasting or gluing papers or objects onto a surface.) From the pool of 86 entries, Joyce was among the 15 awardees, winning the top prize of $200. Her 4×6” fabric and paper work recognized the influence of the Covid pandemic with her selection titled Facial Decorations.

Joyce started to concentrate on collage at the beginning of Covid in 2020 when the art studio was closed and she was working at home. A fellow collage artist, Molly Gayley, suggested Joyce consider membership in the National Collage Society, since she now uses the medium almost exclusively.