Creative Arts

Art Gallery

The Art Gallery Committee arranges for a rotating display of art works from artists located in the tristate area working in various media. They assist the artist in hanging the work, arrange for an opening reception for the artist to explain their work, and provide light refreshments. The Camera Club of South Jersey and the Philadelphia Calligraphers’ Society each present an exhibit of their latest art for one month during the Christmas and New Year Season.

Atrium Arrangements

The Atrium Arrangements Committee gives the Atrium a friendly and attractive atmosphere through the use of floral arrangements. The floral arrangements are prepared by the committee from flowers and plants in the area and from gardens belonging to residents.

Fiber Arts: Knitting and Needlework

The Knitting and Needlework Group meets every Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. to knit hats, sweaters, afghans, and garments for children and adults, mostly for charity. The group sells items at the November bazaar in the Atrium to raise money for the Employee Appreciation Fund and distribute knitted items to charities.

Fiber Arts: Quilt Interest Group

The Quilt Interest Group’s work is done at home and the group meets together occasionally. Products worked on include items for the Fall Bazaar which benefits the Residents Assistance Fund. New residents and visiting quilters are welcome.

Fiber Arts: Tapestry Weavers

A group of tapestry weavers meets nearly every Tuesday in the Fiber Arts Room. Visitors and others wishing to learn about weaving are welcome.

Flower Show

The Flower Show is held on the second Thursday and Friday in September. Residents and staff are invited to participate in any of three divisions:

  • Division I, Horticulture, by submitting plants in containers, flower specimens, vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
  • Division II, Design. A schedule is provided for Miniature and Small Designs, Underwater Creations, Mass Designs, and Centerpiece Creations.
  • Division III, Special Exhibits, is non-competitive and presented by members and outsiders with talents in Ikebana and Bonsai. Other special exhibits include Container Gardens.

Judges from the Garden Clubs of America award blue, red, gold, and white ribbons, as well as tricolor ribbons for Best in Show in Horticulture and Design.

Holiday Decorations

The Holiday Decorations Committee helps Medford Leas get into the holiday spirit by decorating public areas of the community building just after Thanksgiving. Decorations include varied types of trees, wreaths, and displays including different traditions. First, the Maintenance Department takes the decorations out of storage and sets up the trees in their designated locations. Volunteers then do the actual decorating the following morning. The building is transformed in a few hours! Early in January the process is reversed. Volunteers return to undecorate and put decorations into their storage containers in the morning. Maintenance then removes all trees and ornaments and stores everything until the next year. Everyone is invited to join in this enjoyable event which is supported by the MLRA.

Residents Art Studio

The Residents Art Studio is open seven days a week for residents who want to work on their projects. Midday on Tuesdays, a group meets to work on art and usually has lunch together. Currently a series of art classes is available for a fee on Wednesday mornings. The studio maintains a supply of materials as well as a library focused on art technique. Residents are encouraged to visit the studio and meet the artists who are working in acrylics, watercolor, collage, pen, and pencil media. Artists can provide information about participating in various art shows.

Art Studio Library: The Residents Art Studio houses a collection of art technique books. Titles are listed on the MLRA online catalog. Residents may borrow volumes.

Residents Workshop

The Residents Workshop Committee supervises the running of the workshop on the Medford campus. The telephone number is 3059 (with no answering machine). The present staff is composed of regular workers and one chair-caning specialist. Residents who have had experience using hand and power tools may use the shop (under supervision) during normal working hours. Recent activities include:

  • Repairing/refurbishing residents’ small furniture items.
  • Repairing lamps and small electrical items.
  • Repairing shopping carts, walkers, wagons, luggage, and many other unusual items.
  • Making shelving units for Assisted Living residents.
  • Refurbishing campus benches.

Writers Roundtable

The Writers Roundtable is a gathering of residents who enjoy writing and getting together each month to share a personal writing by reading it aloud to the group. One or more optional topics are selected as ideas for next month’s writing. However, members of the group are free to share their own short stories, memoirs, or poems on any other subject or just listen to others read their writing at the meeting. Group members often give supportive and constructive feedback. Participants feel comfortable with each other, and new members usually join in easily.

Lumberton Art Gallery

The Lumberton Art Gallery Committee members select and hang artwork of distinguished local and resident artists.

Lumberton Book Group

The Lumberton Book Group meets in the Great Room of the Community Center at 2 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month from October through June. Residents of both campuses are welcome to join in the lively discussions.

Lumberton Workshop

The Lumberton Workshop Committee supervises the running of the shop. It provides a place for residents to work on projects of their own or “fixits” for other residents. Requested repair activities provide a small donation for the service. The shop has a wide array of hand and power tools, in addition to a professional dust collection system.

In the private, password-protected directory, the MLRA Activities List and LCRA Committees List provide contact information for these activities.