Bulletin Boards
There are several highly visible bulletin boards at Medford Leas. They are maintained in accordance with the procedures spelled out in the Residents’ Handbook.
Leas Lit
Leas Lit, a literary magazine, is published each December and June. It serves as an outlet for the creativity of authors and artists from among the residents of both campuses of Medford Leas and provides reading pleasure for the entire Medford Leas community. Residents submit stories, memoirs, essays, and poems. Resident artists provide appropriate illustrations for the texts. Make Room for Joy

Lumberton Bulletin Boards
This group sets rules regarding the use of the limited space on the Lumberton campus bulletin boards and keeps the posted material current; it also sets and monitors rules for posters displayed on easels in the lobby.
Lumberton Campus Chronicle
The Lumberton Campus Chronicle is a monthly newsletter produced by a subcommittee of the Lumberton Communications Committee. It includes campus news, essays, other submissions of general interest, and important information from the Lumberton and Medford campuses. The Chronicle is available in print or via email and also in the private section of this website.

Lumberton Communications Committee
The Lumberton Communications Committee has several subcommittees. Three communication subcommittees are described on this page: Lumberton Campus Chronicle, Lumberton Electronic Messaging, and the Lumberton Resident Directory. Other groups involved with communications are described elsewhere: Lumberton Campus Mail, Lumberton Welcome and Clusters, Lumberton Library, Lumberton Book Club, Lumberton Bookmobile.
Lumberton Electronic Messaging
The Lumberton Electronic Messaging group sends out notices via email to Lumberton residents. Residents can send their notices to the group for distribution.
Lumberton Resident Directory
Members of the Lumberton Resident Directory task group are responsible for compilation of the directory of personal biographies and photos of each resident. The directory is given to each new resident upon moving in, and updated for current residents.
Medford Leas Life
Medford Leas Life is a monthly newsletter written by residents for the Medford Leas community, and also is seen by the wider community in which Medford Leas operates. It publishes news, events, activities and experiences of Medford Leas residents and staff. Copies are available in the Library beginning in 1971 and online from 2000 in the private section of this website.

Committee members record a phone message providing the day’s lunch and dinner menus. Residents dial “7” to hear the message.
In addition to general information, there is a password-protected private area with, among other things, information relevant to the residents of the two campuses, recordings and minutes of meetings, financial statements, and archives of the two campus newsletters. There is also a blog, Around the Leas.

In the private, password-protected directory, the MLRA Activities List and LCRA Committees List provide contact information for these activities.