
Friends Worship

The Worship Group Committee, consisting of about 8 to 10 Quakers and regular attenders of the Worship Group, works to encourage the presence of Quakers and Quaker practices at Medford Leas. To this end, the committee models Quaker worship practices, stocks printed handouts, selects new books for the Medford Leas Quaker bookshelf, makes worship as physically accessible as possible, stays in contact with aging Friends in Assisted Living, and works with Jane Weston as requested to assist in Quaker-related events at Medford Leas.


A Vespers Service is held every Sunday afternoon in the Oak Room at 4:00 p.m. The service provides an opportunity for regular worship for residents who are no longer able to leave the campus or do not have a local house of worship. Services are non-denominational and all residents are invited to participate. The service begins with a ten minute hymn-sing where participants have the opportunity to sing their favorite hymns.

In the private, password-protected directory, the MLRA Activities List and LCRA Committees List provide contact information for these activities.