ML Singers Holiday Concert
On Thursday, December 19, The Medford Leas Singers presented their Winter Concert, joined by The Cool Hand Ukes.

Annual Flower Show: Autumn Bounty
The Holly Room was once again the site of the annual flower show. Residents enthusiastically shared their flower designs, home-grown produce and plants. The residents and staff in Assisted Living did themselves proud, with many getting involved in making arrangements for show.

Louise the Duck
A resident was in the Rogers garden, arranging flowers for a celebration of May Day. She decided to explore the pathway, and, following a turn, her bright eyes caught sight of something different among the plants near a small tree.

Residents’ Paintings Shown at Juried Art Exhibitions
Chuck Clauser and Elizabeth Larose have paintings on display at the Burlington County Parks 47th Annual Juried Art Show, and Dorothy Cebula and Anne Reid have paintings in the New Jersey Senior Citizens Art Show.

Lumberton’s Gargoyle
Under the eave of a garage on Woodside Drive, bald-faced hornets have built a large gray paper nest that looks for all the world like a gargoyle. Fortunately, they don’t attack and sting unless their nest is threatened or disturbed accidentally.

Marsh Marigolds at Medford Leas: Still Here After 30 Years!
In 1992 Ted Gordon’s survey of Medford Leas traillands noted the uncommon Marsh Marigold (Catttra palustris) in the “muck flats east of the northern tip of the Island.”