Vivaldi’s Four Seasons — A Multimedia Experience
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons is one of the most familiar and loved pieces of classical music. How can a musician today create a fresh take on something people already know so well?

Jane Lange’s Quilt is People’s Choice
Jane Lange’s quilt depicting an African lilac-breasted roller won the People’s Choice Award at the Berry Basket Quilt Show in Medford Township on Sunday, October 9.

The Canna Lily
You can’t miss it, the fluorescent orange Canna Lily in bloom at the outside corner of the Art Studio. A perennial, it blooms in that spot well into the Fall each year.

An Oasis in the Great Lawn
The Great Lawn is an acre of turf located between the Community Building and the Woodland Trails. Lawns are not noted for biological diversity, except that this one contains a rain garden some 40 ft in diameter

A Flower Blooms on the Cathedral Trail
The Striped or Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata) has spread and thrived from a small protected area where, ten years ago, Debbie Lux planted several specimens.

Lumberton Police K9 Demonstration
On June 15, Officer Phil Foglia and his sidekick, Hollywood, a Belgian Malinois police dog, demonstrated the skills and benefits of using trained dogs to assist the police in finding drugs and bombs and apprehending criminal suspects.