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Medford Leas Residents Association

Around the Leas

Food Box

Arboretum Day at Lumberton

On the Lumberton Campus, Evening at the Arboretum expanded into Arboretum Day. On April 30, we enjoyed a day of activities designed for us to spend time with our neighbors and be outdoors, appreciating all that our campus has to offer.

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Red trillium with lots of whites

Where have All the Flowers Gone?

Two weeks ago I alerted fellow members of the Trails Committee and others that the large White Trilliums, Trillium grandiflorum, had just begun to bloom on the Island Trail (Y12.) By the following Saturday I received word that in addition to the white Trilliums there was one Red Trillium!

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The Sculpture on the Willow Room Terrace

The Willow Room Terrace is, for its occasional visitor, a place of quiet contemplation overlooking the Great Lawn. On the East-facing side of the terrace is a modern sculpture of a Mother and Child, fashioned of stone…

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Winter Jasmine

Winter Jasmine

It was a surprise when visiting the Terrace to see, at the base of one pillar of the arbor,
a small leafless shrub decorated with bright yellow flowers. These flowers have 5 or 6 petals, not the four found with Forsythia; the closest match was Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) an ornamental that blooms in February.

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Close-up of partially felled tree


On February 12, that Saturday’s balmy weather demanded a trip down the trails to see what was up. Here, a month before their prime last year, the snowdrop bed on the Railroad Trail, 50 yards up from the bridge is just emerging.

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