Good Neighbors, Good Exercise, and Good Food…All for a Good Cause
This week the Ann Naulty Diner Walk was back! On Wednesday, May 25, Ann led a motley group of people from both campuses from the Lumberton Community Center to the Diamond Diner on Route 38.

Other Flower-filled Meadows, Right Next Door
I have written in the past that something I treasure about Medford Leas is its proximity to undisturbed land. Let me share with you, lest it disappear in coming weeks, one such experience I had within walking distance.

Arboretum Day at Lumberton
On the Lumberton Campus, Evening at the Arboretum expanded into Arboretum Day. On April 30, we enjoyed a day of activities designed for us to spend time with our neighbors and be outdoors, appreciating all that our campus has to offer.

Joyce Sichel Wins Collage Contest Award
Joyce Linda Sichel was recently recognized by the National Collage Society for her entry in the 25th annual Postcard Exhibition, hosted by Summit Art Space in Akron, OH.

Where have All the Flowers Gone?
Two weeks ago I alerted fellow members of the Trails Committee and others that the large White Trilliums, Trillium grandiflorum, had just begun to bloom on the Island Trail (Y12.) By the following Saturday I received word that in addition to the white Trilliums there was one Red Trillium!

The Sculpture on the Willow Room Terrace
The Willow Room Terrace is, for its occasional visitor, a place of quiet contemplation overlooking the Great Lawn. On the East-facing side of the terrace is a modern sculpture of a Mother and Child, fashioned of stone…