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Medford Leas Residents Association

Around the Leas

Covid Caution Blues

Conant Atwood Sings the COVID Caution Blues

When Conant Atwood moved to the Lumberton Campus, he was an experienced and expert singer and ukulele player. In 2015 he started teaching many others to play the instrument, with the class maxing out at about twenty-four. Before COVID, the “Cool Hand Ukes” played gigs on campus and nearby and joked about touring.

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Evening in the Arboretum 2020

Evening in the Arboretum, Lumberton Style

It was the perfect late April evening to be outdoors. It was suggested that we all use our meadow as a focal point for raising a toast to the Arboretum, the Medford community, and each other at 6 p.m. Instructions were to gather on decks if we lived inside of Woodside Drive or on lawns facing the Meadow if we lived outside it.

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Great Decisions Cover 2020

Virtual Programs

MLRA is continuing some programs virtually. The Great Decisions series, which started March 5, was terminated after the first episode due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The committee and presenters decided to continue the presentations in an empty theater but record them and post them on the residents’ association website.

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Pumpkin decorating contest winners

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

This year the pumpkin carving competition was replaced by a pumpkin decorating competition. The first place winner (no surprise) was President Trumpkin, by Florence Heisler of Dining Services. Second place went to Owls, from Therapeutic Recreation. In third place was Mrs. Potts and Chip, by Michelle Haines, Dining Services.

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