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Medford Leas Residents Association

Around the Leas

Diversity committee making sandwiches

Medford Leas Sandwich Makers

Twice each month Medford Leas residents from both campuses get together to prepare peanut butter sandwiches that are distributed later in the day as part of the “take home bags” offered to guests at the Cathedral Kitchen, the largest emergency food service in Camden.

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NJ Division of Taxation logo

Equal Rights for CCRC Veterans

New Jersey has a $250 Veterans Property Tax deduction program. However veterans who move into a CCRC lose that exemption, even though they continue to pay property taxes. The statewide Organization of Residents Associations of New Jersey (ORANJ) began work to correct this injustice in the law in 2002

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Flooded Waterview Trail

The Lumberton Flood of June 2019

On the night of June 19, after an already wet week, the Lumberton/Medford area received around 5 inches of rain in one storm. Nearby areas upstream in Pemberton, Medford Lakes and Tabernacle received equal or larger rainfall amounts. On June 20 the town of Lumberton was evacuated and Main St. (Route 541) was closed.

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Molly, Dorothy, and Roberta outside the new Medford Arts

Residents Display Their Works at the Medford Arts Center

Several months ago, the Medford Arts Center moved to a one-story store-front building on Main Street in Medford. The organizers has been encouraging local artists to submit their work for the monthly juried shows. Recently works by six Medford Leas artists were accepted for two different shows.

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Road to March Madness

I was so excited when I moved into my new home on the Lumberton Campus of Medford Leas earlier this year. Finally, I was entering the chapter of my life where I could slow down and relax! My new home had a gorgeous sunroom in which I could take afternoon naps, and it had a beautiful view

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Rick at 30th anniv party

Rick Trandahl: 30 years at Medford Leas

Rick Trandahl seems to be a man for all seasons, who has spent most of the last thirty years working hard to help residents — giving personal attention to their exercise routines and leading pool classes. As an instructor in the fitness and aquatics department, he is a linchpin who helps create a warm and humorous atmosphere

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