While spending the last year isolated inside and relatively inactive, it was easy to think of the things we missed. Lumberton residents took a break to look through photographs of happier times — family get-togethers, vacations, and other special moments. They swiped through pictures on their cell phones, cracked open photo albums, and revisited pictures stored in drawers or PCs. They took some time to reminisce about Special Moments and maybe even cleaned up some of the clutter.
The Lumberton Social Committee invited each resident to share a photograph that they took of a Special Moment that brought joy. These were submitted in one of nine categories: Landscapes, People, Pets, Family, Wildlife, Travel, Flora, Architecture and Other. Janet Holloway, Sue Kuhn, and Evelyn Rohmer organized the event.
A panel of three residents from the Medford campus, Janet DeVry, Patricia Heller-Dow, and Jane Weston, selected the best in each category, without knowing the names of the entrants. The judges were instructed to consider whether the picture:
- Captured a Special Moment.
- Evoked an emotional reaction. (i.e. Aww, how cute. How did they do that? What fun! That’s amazing! How unusual. So beautiful.)
It didn’t need to be technically perfect or professional quality.
All photographs were printed and put on display in the Lumberton Great Room for the first two weeks of April. Residents delighted in viewing pictures from their friends. Just think, 53 Special Moments in one place. Who could lose?
All entrants received a framed copy of their photo. Blue ribbons went to:
Here are all of the entries, arranged by category — which ones would you have chosen as winners?