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Medford Leas Residents Association

Yappy Hour with Bowser Beer

Eleven dogs and 30 residents attended a recent Yappy Hour. The dogs drank Bowser Beer from compostable paper cups. The photo to the right shows MikeP holding Miggs with a bottle of doggy-brew in the foreground. BowserBeerLogoThe second shows Marcy’s Molly taking a nip.

Mike and Miggs
Marcie's Molly

Betsy Pennink reported in Medford Leas Life that the non-alcoholic brew is sold in a six-pack in two flavors: chicken or beef (see bowserbeer.com). She explained that the dogs “were on leashes held by their owners. Some chose to stay close, some sat on laps and others enjoyed a stroll around the room to make the acquaintance of other dogs. There was considerable nose-to-nose communication and much tail-wagging, with the occasional show of incompatibility. Several dogs enjoyed the “beer,” others were less interested. Residents were served little hot dogs in pastry. The dogs were given dog biscuits made the day before by the staff. Most of the dogs were small, some purebred, some mixtures, and a number were rescued dogs. All of them were devoted to their owners.” Betsy’s photos of Gertie, Sandy, Owen, Bear and Lily are shown below. Click any photo to see it enlarged, and scroll through the gallery. Check out the Yappy Hour tee shirt that Lily is wearing!