(Go to Art Gallery)
MLRA Gift Shop, operated by resident volunteers, is a financially
independent, non profit business. Located
in the Atrium, is open Monday through Friday from 12:30
pm to 4:30 pm. Staffed by 31 resident volunteers who share
the duties of banking, merchandizing, buying and selling,
the gift shop offers a friendly shopping environment for
residents and staff. Volunteers also attempt to satisfy
individual customer requests by searching on line for hard
to find products that a customer may need and have difficulty
Gift Shop is expanding its participation in the Medford
Leas community by combining with other committees for special
events |
benefit specific Medford Leas organizatons: i.e. the Residents'
Assistance Fund and the Arboretum Committee. In November 2013
it combined with the Knitting and Sewing Group for a joint
Holiday Bazaar. The proceeds from that particular sale were
donated to the Residents' Assistnce Fund. 2013 |
Decisions to
Decisions is a national program created by the Forieign Policy
Association and sponsored by the World
Affairs Council. It designed to help educate citizens and
to promote discussion about timely and vital foreign policy issues.
Medford Leas residents decided to participate in the Great Decisions
program, they elected to adopt a format in which each of the eight
topics selected by the FPA would be discussed in a 25 to 30 minute
presentation by a resident, followed by discussion from the audience.
2014 sessions will be held Thursday mornings at 10:30 am, beginning
March 13 and continuing through April. One session will be on
Wednesday — March 26. A presiding discussion moderator may
speak on aspects of the topic, and a DVD will be shown on the
subject. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. 2014
The detailed schedule is at
Haddon Greenhouse
Greenhouse is located on the ground level of the Haddon Building
near the Thrift Shop. It is open from mid-October through May.
Each fall there is a signup sheet for the 90 spaces available
to residents for their potted plants. After spaces are assigned,
but before any plant can be put into the greenhouse, each plant
is sprayed by our volunteers so as not to bring in pests. Once
plants are in the greenhouse, each resident is responsible for
the care of their own plants and for keeping their area tidy.
Volunteers help keep the greenhouse neat and clean, replenish
supplies as needed, hose down the benches and floor, and keep
their eyes out for any pests or other trouble in the greenhouse.
In the greenhouse there is a potting bench with a potting tub
and potting soil; there are tools, fertilizer, and watering cans
also for use by the residents. Whether or not a resident is a
‘space holder’, everyone is welcomed to enjoy the
greenhouse. 2014
the Haddon Greenhouse page -- Visit
Perry's Haddon Greenhouse Blog
Everybody Sings
those residents interested in singing, the Harmony / Everybody
Sings Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month
in the Linden Room at 11:00 am. All are welcome.
The Health Committee is a standing committee of the Medford Leas
Residents Association
Committee concerns itself with the physical and emotional health,
and safety needs of the residents and relays concerns of residents
on the delivery of care from any department. Any health concerns
should be referred to the Chairman of the Health Committee. Confidentiality
must be respected at all times and at all levels. The Committee
should be prepared to cooperate in the education of residents
in matters of good health practices and accident prevention, either
on an individual or group basis.
of the committee are famliar with Medford Leas system of delivery
of health care and personal services, and make recommendations
for a change or improvements as needs are recognized. Members
must be particularly alert to the needs of residents who may be
unable to either recognize problems themselves.
On the Way to the Pool
Health Care Volunteers Committee enlists volunteers to support
the Active Living program, assisting the Physical Fitness
Staff and the Licensed Areas Recreational staff.
provide help as needed in the activities of these various
areas. Included are:
Escort and transportation to: The Pool, The Fitness Area,
Physical Fitness, and Special Events for the Licensed
- Aid
to residents in the Pool and in the Fitness Area
- Interaction
and help at special events
- Specially
trained volunteers help meet the emotional needs of
terminally ill patients.
- Services
also provided to Licensed Area residents: deliver in house
and US mail, help in the Coffee Social,visit, read to,
play cards with, and write letters.
Decorations to
aim of the committee is to provide appealig holiday decorations
throughout the public areas for the enjoyment of residents and
visitors. An attempt is made to include traditional decorations
of various faiths. 2013
Hospitality Committee coordinates various activities designed
to foster greater interaction among all Medford Leas residents.
To this end, the Committee has:
Reinstated Name Tag day on the first Monday of the month.
• Recruited residents to serve as Hosts at the Friendly
Table (in the Colonial Dining Room) Monday through Thursday, mid-September
through mid-May.
• Sponsored “mixer” dinners on the second Monday
of the month.
residents – but especially newcomers – are encouraged
to attend these activities.
committee also meets with appropriate administrators as needed
and requested. 2013
purpose of the committee is to be aware of design and decorating
concerns within the Medford Leas communities. Both resident and
staff input continue to be valuable and ideas will be discussed
with a professional interior designer who has expertise in issues
involving senior living design. The committee’s main focus
is on the public areas of the Medford Campus, but it is open to
other areas as they may come under review for redecorating or
committee was formed in September 2002. It is comprised of residents
and a staff person. The committee acts only in an advisory capacity.
There is a recognition that many issues of design have to do with
one’s personal taste. The committee acknowledges that it
will not always be able to satisfy everyone’s concerns.
Users Group
iPad User's Group, was established in 2013 to help residents
and guests from the community learn more about their iPads
and to feel more comfortable using them. Meetings are the
fourth Monday of each month. The structure of the meeting
is a semi-formal presentation on some topic followed by
a period of questions and sharing of information by those
IPad Users Group page announces topics of future meetings
and provides an archive of past lessons. That page page
goes on to explain, "In order to get the most out of
the notes that you download, you may wish to keep them in
the Apple iBooks app. Then you will be able to read them
at any time, with or without Internet (Wi-Fi) access."
Puzzles to
committee of one person sets up jigsaw puzzles in the Lounge.
Residents should feel free to work at these puzzles at any time.
Add just one piece or finish the whole thing. 2014
and Sewing to
and Sewing is a congenial group of residents who meet every
Wednesday morning from 10 to 11:30 to knit hats, scarves,
sweaters, afghans, and garments for children, mostly for
charity. Many residents also knit at home. One or two people
do sewing repairs for residents who cannot sew. More helpers
are always needed since some 300 garments are repaired or
altered during the year.
year the Knitting and Sewing group holds a Show and Sell
at which they sell their products to raise money for the
MLRA Appreciation Fund. They also distribute knitted items
to local charities and send knitted caps to Indian Reservations
for their children. Knitted caps are also made for newborns
at local hospitals 2014 |
Forum Committee to
schedule of forums on the Medford Leas website
Leas Forum, scheduled twice a month and offered in the
Theater at 11 a.m. on Saturdays, is a varied program of
speakers – professors, authors, actors and actresses,
photographers, and others. The presenters may be invited
guests or residents – all with a story to tell. |
success of Leas Forum depends on independent efforts of individual
committee members and on the resourcefulness of the committee.
Other MLRA members also contribute by recommending speakers
or volunteering to share from their own experience. Collectively
Leas Forum Committee evaluates ideas and plans a schedule.
A committee member then assumes responsibility for overseeing
a particular program. The Medford Leas Residents Association
supports Leas Forum through the Activities Fund. all with
a story to tell. 2014
committee produces Leas Lit,
a literary magazine which is published each December and
June. Its purpose is to serve as an outlet for the creativity
of authors and artists from among the residents of both
campuses of Medford Leas and to provide reading pleasure
for the entire Medford Leas community.
are invited to submittee stories,memoirs, essays, and poems;
writings by medford Leas staff may also be considered. 2014
index |
Players is dormant at the present time pending resident interest.
main library maintains a good collection of hardcover books,
paperbacks, and classical music CDs for circulation among
the residents. There is also a good reference collection,
also a section including publications by residents. Nine
faithful volunteers in addition to the co-chairs handle
the check-in of returned books, and the shelving of books,
as well as other tasks involved in maintaining the collection
of about 6000 volumes. Annually about 100-120 books are
added by purchase with an equal number donated by residents.
Circulation of the books and CDs averages about 450 per
month. 2013 |
- Large Print to
Large Print Library maintains a collection of books as well as
the NY Times Large Print edition which are available for circulation
to the residents. As needed, these materials are delivered to
residents in the medical facilities. 2013
Vision Committee to
Low Vision Audio-Visual Library is located on the ground floor
Haddon-Estaugh near the Pharmacy. It contains a collection of
video tapes (in large part British drama which has previously
been shown on public television stations), talking books on CD’s
and educational tapes/DVD’s.
is also a reading room with equipment that will enlarge printed
material. 2013
Distribution to
committee places notices and advisories from the Administration,
MLRA Council, or MLRA Committees in the residents’
mailboxes in the Atrium, Haddon, and in envelopes held at
the reception desk for those on extended absence from their
mailboxes are not to be used (unless approved by the Administration)
for distributing political notices, fund drive appeals for
various organizations, or other literature.
distribution occurs every day. 2014
Distribution -- Licensed Units to
committee distributes incoming mail to residents of Estaugh, first
floor Haddon, and Woolman. Mail distribution occurs every US Mail
delivery day. 2013
University is supported entirely by modest tuition fees.
University to
To provide college-level courses on campus open to all residents
and their guests, members of the Medford Leas Waiting List,
and local citizens.
In 2000, the president of the MLRA Council met with Kris
Dixon, Assistant Dean of Cultural Enrichment at nearby Burlington
County College, to explore the possibility of bringing some
of its faculty to Medford Leas for teaching courses to residents. |
without homework or exams were set to be fie to six weeks
long with 90minuteclasses. In addition, a series of three
or four one-hour lectures was scheduled for the summer. The
first course was taught in spring 2001 to 90 residents. Faculty
are now drawn frm four-year colleges and university in the
area. |
committee prepares four sets of announcements for the deaths and
memorial services of residents. A vase of red silk roses accompanies
framed announcements and together they are placed on a table at
the entrance to the Atrium Lounge, at the entrance to the Garden
Dining Room and on a table near the entrance to the Large Print
Library. Also there is a notice on the Atrium Bulletin Board.
- Monday Evening
to index
Monday Evening Music Committee shows films in the Theater. meets
a few times a year to discuss movies and decide which ones will
be shown. The committee chair is almost always the projectionist
in the Sound Booth. Sources for recent movies have been residents,
the county bookmobile, and Netflix. In recent years no funds for
rental expenses have been necessary. 2013
- Saturday Afternoon to
Saturday Afternoon Music Committee shows films in the Activities
Room next to the Skilled Nursing unit using the TV and VCR there.
This is for the entertainment of residents in the licensed unit
but now there are very few who attend -- only three or four. During
the show two members of the committee remain to observe the audience
and provide assitance when needed. There is now a new Medford
Leas video program with daily shows which tends to eliminate the
need for Saturday Afternoon shows. 2013
Music Committee arranges for the presentation of music programs
(classical music, jazz and folk) for Medford Leas residents and
their guests.
The Committee, operating within a budget approved by the MLRA
Council, selects performers, negotiates their contracts, schedules
performance dates, reserves the Theater, gives notice of each
performance to those responsible for the events calendars and
the Theater Committee, writes any necessary work orders, publicizes
each event and requests checks from the MLRA Treasurer to pay
performers' fees.
Music committee also arranges for the tuning of all Medford Leas
pianos in the fall of each year, and for the tuning of the piano
in the Theater two or three days any performance which is using
the piano. Medford Leas pays for all piano tuning and maintenance
costs. 2013
Videos index
Music Video Page provides links to YouTube videos which have been
presented. The
Music Video Committee streams videos to the screen in the Theater.
While the audience is small - about 35 people, the Theater is
used because of the excellent projection and sound equipment in
that venue.Committee members are responsible for choosing programs,
making room reservations, and calendar requests. Trained committee
members provide technical support so the Music Video Activity
is not a burden for the Theater Committee technicians. This Activity
began in the fall of 2013 on Thursday evenings and continues in
2014 each Thursday evening and two Monday evenings a month. 2014
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